Tuesday 22 February 2011

Homemade pasta - it's so worth it!

I hadn't used my Imperia pasta maker for at least 6 years and very nearly got rid of it when we moved in 2010 - thank goodness I didn't!

I was contemplating a cabbagy take on bolognese a couple of nights ago when I suddenly decided it was time Jim tasted my fresh pasta.  To get him excited about the project I suggested he take photographs of me making it - I like it when we do things together!

20 minutes later the kitchen looked like a photographic studio and we were ready. 

RECIPE: I made the pasta with 300g of organic plain flour, 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk, and enough warm water to reach the right consistency.  I also mixed in a good helping of dry chilli flakes, salt and black pepper.

The dough only takes a few minutes to mix up, then you leave it to stand for about an hour before putting it through the machine (which is great fun).

I decided on tagliatelle - my personal favourite.

Luckily I hadn't got rid of my pasta tree either!

I had forgotten how wonderful homemade pasta tastes.  

Even though I enjoy good quality packet stuff, nothing really compares to the truly fresh variety.  It was incredibly light and very tasty; a perfect accompaniment to my spicy cabbage and beef bolognese!  

If you love pasta, the Imperia machine is a truly worthwhile investment (but don't forget the tree!). Check it out at Imperia.

Next time I'm going to have a go at ravioli - never attempted it before...

1 comment:

  1. I agree, nothing beats the Imperia pasta maker (and the tree!). We don't use ours as often as we should!
