Saturday 26 February 2011

Orange whisky cakes

Today I'm back to what I know best - proper cake! 

I offered to make a fruit cake for my parents and thought that it made more sense to make loads of small cakes for them instead of a normal sized one - the mixture seems to go so much further this way!

The recipe starts by telling you to put 6oz of sultanas in a bowl with orange zest, the juice of half an orange and 3 tbs of whisky, and leave it to stand overnight.  Unfortunately I always decide I want to make this cake at the last minute, rarely have oranges at my disposal and can't wait more than an hour for the soaking.  The result is usually a perfectly good fruit cake.

This time I thought ahead and followed the recipe to the T... well, almost - I didn't have enough self-raising so I had to make up the 4 oz with plain, adding a little baking powder.

The finished result, pictured here, are absolutely delicious - the best I've ever achieved (something to do with following the recipe I suspect!).

Will have to refrain from eating them all before next seeing my parents!

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