Friday 25 February 2011

Marbled muffins

This morning I asked myself a question: What is the difference between a muffin and a small cake?  Is it the same mixture poured into different sized cases?  

Unable to come up with a satisfactory answer, I did what I always do and consulted the trusty world wide web.

I found I was not alone, as many people were also curious about this distinction, and here's what I discovered: A muffin can be made with a heavier flour such as a bread flour and oil is usually used instead of butter; the consistency is therefore a little heavier and 'breadier' than that of a cup/fairy cake.

As I had decided that I wanted to make a marble cake today (my son Blaise made one last week for his flatmate's  birthday and it inspired me), I thought I'd combine the two ideas and make chocolate marbled muffins.

I consulted several different recipes until I found one I quite liked (using plain flour and ground almonds) and got to work.

The result was unfortunately quite disappointing: They're not just 'bready' but pretty stodgy - the first batch weren't marbled enough and the second (pictured) a little over-mixed.  They're ok, but are greatly improved when smothered with chocolate spread! Pity.

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